Home Residential Property One bed flats at old BBC Television Centre in White City to sell for £700k

One bed flats at old BBC Television Centre in White City to sell for £700k

by Sponsored Content
11th Apr 16 11:43 am

Parking spaces cost £50,000 too

New flats in the BBC’s purpose built Television Centre in White City are soon to go on sale – with a hefty price tag.

The minimum price for a slice of real estate in the building where countless famous television shows have been filmed begin at £700,000.

The former studio complex is being rebuilt and will see 950 new homes on the site along with offices, restaurants and a luxury hotel.

Buyers will need a 20% deposit if they are looking to snap up the new homes.

Parking spaces for home owners will cost an additional £50,000.

The building began life in 1960 to accommodate the BBC’s growing televisual output. The corporation stopped using the complex in 2013, following a partial move to Manchester.

However, when the development is complete, three of the five original studios at the site will re-open with the BBC continuing to use them.  

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