Home Commercial Property Germans snap up Kensington Roof Gardens for £225m

Germans snap up Kensington Roof Gardens for £225m

by LLP Editor
17th May 13 11:36 am

London’s celebrity party haunt Kensington Roof Gardens has been sold to the German Conley family for a £225m.

The family, which owns the Liberty department store building on Regent Street and Manchester United’s London office in Mayfair, is believed to have outbid Middle Eastern and other European investors by exceeding the asking price by £25m.

The Grade II listed building on Kensington High Street was made famous for its former flamingos and is best know for its fruit trees and a fish-filled stream. It hosts the annual pre-Wimbledon tennis party and holds exclusive parties for celebrities like Richard Branson, Mick Jagger, Marc Bolan and David Bowie.

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