Home Residential Property A loo of one’s own: Lavatory near Hyde Park goes on sale for £150,000

A loo of one’s own: Lavatory near Hyde Park goes on sale for £150,000

by Sponsored Content
31st Oct 13 4:38 pm

A lavatory in a cupboard opposite Kensington Palace has gone on sale for a bowel-loosening £150,000.

The loo, which is just off Hyde Park is set to be auctioned today.

According to estate agents Allsop, the small bathroom is a “store room with WC and wash basin” and sits between two floors, just off a staircase at the rear of a four-storey mid-terrace block.

The “property” has one window, but no bedrooms. In fact it includes no other rooms at all, but the lucky buyer will be able to count The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as neighbours.

The same sum would buy a four-bedroom family home in the North-East or a two-bedroom holiday house with a pool in Spain, but perhaps that’s just not where everybody’s priorities lie.

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