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Trio of specialist online training courses support business teams to level up

by LLP Reporter
6th Dec 23 7:51 am

After 12 years spent delivering expert in-person training sessions and consultancy, Paul Owen, MD of UK sales transformation specialist True Sales, has distilled his knowledge into a new trio of online courses. Launching on 4th December 2023 at www.truesales.academy, the courses are designed to support individuals looking to upskill or to enable businesses to train multiple teams at once.

“Learning how to communicate better can be transformative in any role, meaning that ‘sales’ training isn’t just for sales teams. HR teams, for example, can use enhanced communication skills to transform their recruitment efforts from a CV-sifting exercise to deeply informative conversations with potential employees. That’s why True Sales Academy is providing a ‘sales for non-salespeople’ course,” said, Paul Owen, MD, True Sales

Each of the online courses costs £300 (+VAT). The sales course has been designed for individual salespeople to up their skills, whether they work solo or as part of a larger team. Entrepreneurs and start-up founders are well placed to benefit from the course as well.

The telesales course has been endorsed by the Institute of Sales Professionals, with participants receiving Institute certification upon completion. Endorsement for the other courses is expected to be confirmed shortly.

The third course is aimed at non-salespeople, focusing on communication skills that can benefit individuals professionally and even personally. As Owen points out, better communication skills and learning to listen can be beneficial in both the workplace and in relationships.

The courses’ launch date – 4th December 2023 – is 23 years to the day since Owen took his first sales job; the role that transformed his life, his career and future. He reveals:

“23 years ago today, 4th December 2000, was the day that changed my life. To mark that occasion – which was my first move into the world of sales – we are delighted to be launching our online training platform to help everyone to sell properly with honesty and integrity at True Sales Academy.”

With ten videos per course, plus tasks to complete, templates to download and reference points for further reading, the True Sales Academy courses are packed with engaging content. For businesses wanting a mix of online and in-person training, True Sales offers a range of bespoke training packages and consultancy services to support the online content.

As well as helping thousands of people to sell better over the last decade, MD Paul Owen’s experience includes delivering sales seminars at 40+ universities, hosting the popular True Sales Podcast and becoming an Amazon Bestseller with his book Secret Skill. Hidden Career: The Surprising Link between Sales Ability and your Career Success, which was shortlisted for Business Book of the Year 2018. And Owen has walked the walk as well as talking the talk:

“I was totally broke and sleeping on a friend’s floor at age 32 when I got my first sales role. Within three years, I supported that small family firm to increase its turnover by 450% and grow its team to more than 50 staff. I love being in a position to support others to achieve that same success. Everyone should learn how to sell. Doing so can be truly transformative, both personally and professionally.”

For more information, please call True Sales on 020 3859 2000, email [email protected] or visit https://www.truesales.co/.

To access the online training content directly, visit https://www.truesales.academy/

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