Home Commercial Property Sultan of Brunei in £500m Queensway buyout

Sultan of Brunei in £500m Queensway buyout

by Sponsored Content
16th Sep 13 9:14 am

The Sultan of Brunei has secretly splashed out some £500m buying up large swaths of Queensway in west London, it has emerged.

According to City A.M., the Asian royal – estimated to have a personal fortune of £13bn – has purchased several properties in the area including Queensway Estate, home to a skating ring, games arcade and market.The sultan also snapped up the areas’ popular Whiteleys Shopping Centre last week from Standard Life investments for £100m.

The deals have been carried out through property developers Siahaf, which is said to be a six-year plan to regenerate and redevelop the area. While located a stone’s throw from Hyde Park and Notting Hill, Queensway is still seen as relatively run down.

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