Who in their right mind would pay £21,000 a month for a renting a flat in Mayfair?
As it turns out, a 19-year-old fashion design student has signed up to let it.
Luxury apartments in Mayfair (pictured above) are being marketed as student accommodation for £5,250 per week or £21,000 a month
That’s more than two times of what an undergraduate studying in London School of Economics will pay as tuition fees in a whole year.
Six apartments in Fountain House, on Park Lane, have been put on the market to rent by developers Criterion Capital.
The apartments range from 1,600 sq ft to 2,000 sq ft and available to let at £2,250 per week, or £9,000 per month.
The property has two large bedroom suites with ‘Walk In Wardrobes’ and “spacious” en suite bathrooms.
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