Home Residential Property Here's why the housing market is unsustainable

Here's why the housing market is unsustainable

by Sponsored Content
7th Feb 17 7:11 am

New housing white paper to be revealed

England’s housing market is “broken”, ministers are expected to say today as they reveal plans to build more affordable homes.

The government says 250,000 new homes are needed each year while Labour lashed out at the government for “seven years of failure” on housing.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid will set out the details of the housing White Paper in a statement to MPs.

Measures include:

  • Forcing councils to produce an up-to-date plan for housing demand
  • Expecting developers to avoid “low density” housing where land availability is short
  • Reducing the time allowed between planning permission and the start of building from three to two years
  • Using a £3bn fund to help smaller building firms challenge major developers, including support for off-site construction, where parts of buildings are assembled in a factory
  • A “lifetime ISA” to help first-time buyers save for a deposit
  • Maintaining protection for the green belt, which can only be built on “in exceptional circumstances”

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