Home Commercial PropertyFlexible Workspace Creating a home workspace which promotes business growth

Creating a home workspace which promotes business growth

by Sponsored Content
20th Sep 18 8:00 am

The number of people working from home has risen sharply in the last decade. This is particularly evident in London where commuting can be costly and time consuming. Whether new homeworkers are full time employed or self employed the statistics run across the employment spectrum.

According to Small Business thirty percent of people work from home at least once a week and this will rise dramatically in the next three years. Small Business also report that up to half of the workforce could be working from home by 2020.

With this dramatic shift there is a growing need to creating a workspace suitable for growing a business from home. Working from productive and harmonious space is key to success according to cheapshutters.co.uk Simple changes to convert a regular room in the home are essential, such as fitting proper window treatments or sound proofing can make a real difference.

Whilst concentrating budgets on stylish furniture might seem like the most rewarding updates for a home office, in reality it’s the practicality of the workspace which makes the biggest difference.

Health and safety will also play a growing role in home workspace conditions to meet with standards similar to office spaces. If home workers are employed, their employers are required to conduct a risk assessment on their home office. This is of course with good reason particularly where protective equipment may be required.

Self employed and business start-ups are also contributing significantly to the rise in home workers with 14.8% of the UK workforce being self employed according to the ONS. This is around 1.35 million people in Greater London and stresses the importance of having a suitable home workspace for this workforce.

With property prices in London rising a low 0.65 in 2018 to date, barely stagnant at best many people are opting for home working rather than moving closer to their new place of work. This strategy lends itself perfectly to improving the space with curb appeal updates whilst simultaneously creating functional work spaces in the home.

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