Home Property Brexit brings bitter taste for famous food property prices

Brexit brings bitter taste for famous food property prices

by LLP Reporter
4th Mar 19 9:29 am

Areas of the UK famous for their culinary exports have seen house price growth slow behind that of the UK with an increase of just 6%, compared to 7% nationally since the Brexit vote.

The worst hit has been Aberdeen, although it’s likely that the declining oil industry has had the largest impact, not the Aberdeen Angus, with prices down -14% since July 2016. The Eccles cake (-9%) and the Chelsea bun (-5%) have all also seen prices fall.

But it isn’t all stomach churning, there are 16 famous food property markets that have bucked the trend to enjoy some tasty increase in house prices.

Cheddar, home of one of the nation’s favourite cheeses has seen a huge increase in house prices of 45% since the Brexit vote. The Bakewell tart has also performed well, with house prices in Bakewell up 37%.

Red Leicester, the second cheese to rank in the top five, has seen an uplift in property prices of 16% since Brexit, while home of the Pasty, Cornwall, has seen an increase of 13%, as has Worcestershire.

Other food famous areas to enjoy above average growth are Banbury, Gloucester, Everton, Wales, Lincoln, Tottenham and Melton Mowbray.

CEO and founder of OkayLah.co.uk, Paul Telford said, “It seems there is no area of the UK market that hasn’t been impacted by Brexit uncertainty to some degree, with even our best loved food-based locations seeing a slowdown in price growth as a whole.

“That said, regardless of whether you look at the current property market landscape based on famous foods, price brackets and so on, the one thing that remains clear is it is diverse across the board and while some are seeing price growth slow, others are enjoying a very strong uplift indeed.”

Town July 2016 November 2018 Change
Cheddar (Cheese) £183,800 £265,950 45%
Bakewell (Tart) £271,937 £373,850 37%
Red Leicester (Cheese) £150,041 £173,827 16%
Cornwall (Pasty) £207,515 £234,471 13%
Worcestershire (Sauce) £190,780 £215,132 13%
Banbury (Cake) £230,370 £259,494 13%
Gloucester (Cheese) £182,246 £205,079 13%
Everton (Mint) £133,888 £148,452 11%
Welsh (Rarebit) £146,353 £161,499 10%
Lincoln (Biscuit) £138,291 £152,285 10%
Tottenham (Cake) £350,981 £385,941 10%
Melton Mowbray (Pie) £203,201 £219,835 8%
Yorkshire (Pudding) £151,334 £160,155 6%
Cumberland (Sausage) £147,901 £155,342 5%
Eton (Mess) £410,272 £430,630 5%
Dundee (Cake) £119,018 £124,557 5%
Branston (Pickle) £194,606 £202,563 4%
Brighton Blue (Cheese) £417,545 £434,058 4%
Kendal (Mint Cake) £205,948 £213,032 3%
Pontefract (Cake/Sweet) £153,348 £153,586 0%
Stilton (Cheese) £223,717 £223,717 0%
Chelsea (Bun) £1,587,909 £1,515,826 -5%
Eccles (Cake) £194,761 £177,691 -9%
Aberdeen (Angus) £180,687 £154,550 -14%
Average £265,685 £280,897 6%
UK £215,127 £230,630 7%


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