Home Residential Property Will you be one of the 350,000 households pushed out of the housing market by 2020?

Will you be one of the 350,000 households pushed out of the housing market by 2020?

by Sponsored Content
16th Nov 15 9:59 am

Thanks to rising property prices some people will not be able to afford to rent or buy

Lack of affordable homes will exclude 350,000 households from the housing market by 2020.

The rising cost of renting or buying a home will mean 70,000 households a year will be unable to afford their own home unless they’re assisted in some way.

This adds up to 350,000 by 2020, with those affected being low and middle income workers.

Savills, which carried out the research, said the problem was worst in London and the South East where property prices were the highest.

Chris Buckle, associate director at Savills research, said: “There can be no question that we need to boost housebuilding volumes, but these new homes need to be built across a variety of tenures to put homes within reach of those in greatest need.

“Our concern is that new policy will result in a greater shift from sub-market rental products towards more expensive shared ownership and starter homes accessible only to those on middle incomes.”


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