Home Residential Property Only half of buyers of £10m homes are Brits

Only half of buyers of £10m homes are Brits

by Sponsored Content
11th Jun 14 11:04 am

Only 53% of buyers of super-prime property in this country, worth more than £10m, are from the UK, according to property agents Knight Frank.

While it might be a surprise that almost half of our most expensive homes are bought by overseas buyers, the number of Brits buying super-prime property has risen considerably during 2014.

Last year, the figure was just 36%, suggesting Brits are either keener to get their hands on the UK’s most expensive homes, or foreign interest is waning.

“There are more British buyers in the super-prime bracket than at any time since the collapse of Lehman Brothers,” said Tom Bill, Knight Frank’s head of London residential research. However, Knight Frank said this year said average prices had slowed for these top properties as fewer foreign investors were interested in putting money into London property.

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