Home Commercial Property Land Registry "to be privatised" in move that "beggars belief"

Land Registry "to be privatised" in move that "beggars belief"

by Sponsored Content
6th May 14 12:07 pm

The 150-year-old Land Registry is being prepared for privatisation, despite ministers’ public denial, the Guardian has reported.

The body, which grants land rights and registers the owners of land and property in England and Wales, could be sold off to private firms. The other option on the cards is a partial sale in collaboration with the government.

The Guardian quoted a former Land Registry executive saying that a sell-off “beggared belief” due to the clear potential for conflicts of interest should a private firm take the reins.

MP Michael Fallon had previously stated that any such sale would be subject to public consultation.

The move follows anger over the government’s handling over the sale of Royal Mail, and has fuelled concerns that it is rushing to sell off a number of state assets ahead of the next election.


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