Home Commercial Property Height of shambles! 200 visitors left stranded on top of the Shard

Height of shambles! 200 visitors left stranded on top of the Shard

by LLP Editor
29th Apr 13 11:20 am

The Shard had to hold its head down in shame after 200 visitors were stranded 800ft up Western Europe’s tallest building yesterday.

The lifts of the skyscraper stopped working after a fire scare and customers stranded at the top were not allowed to use the stairs.

Some visitors described the scene as “shambolic” after being stuck on the 68th floor for over an hour.

Matt Pallett, of Leeds, decided to not go up the Shard after the fiasco and told The Sun that he’d be emailing for a refund.

A View from The Shard spokesman said that guests could return on “another date free of charge”. The skyscraper has 44 lifts and 306 flights of stairs.

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