Home Property EscapeOverseas Property French castle for sale for €50 a share

French castle for sale for €50 a share

by Purvai Dua
12th Oct 18 1:23 pm

A derelict French chateau can transform into an innovative tourist attraction if enthusiasts can pledge as little as €50 a share.

Don’t believe us? Head straight to French crowdfunding site Dartagnans where the 14th-century castle of Ebaupinay in Deux-Sèvres has attracted pledges totalling €239,000 from 2,400 people since the campaign started a month ago.

Contributors automatically become shareholders in the castle.


The chateau will be transformed into “a large open-air medieval construction site, as might have existed more than 500 years ago,” offering an immersive experience to give visitors a taste of what life was like in the Middle Ages.

“The restoration programme will be conducted using medieval techniques and materials of the time, fully produced on site.”

This is not the first time an appeal of this nature has been made. Last year as well, strangers came together and crowdfunded to save La Mothe-Chandeniers from being bulldozed. Over €800,000 (NZ$1.4m) was raised by the enthusiasts and the building was saved.

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