Keen renter paid £10,000 up front to call dibs on the property
The mantra for finding a London flat to rent? “Finders keepers, losers weepers”.
A Londoner, probably aware of the above maxim, snapped up a Mayfair flat within 40 minutes of it going on the rental market.
The 301 sq ft one-bedroom flat on Pollent Street, which is off Regent Street, has been described as “slightly larger than a bathroom”. Yet a keen renter paid £10,000 up front to call dibs on the property. The money was put down to cover the deposit, a six month tenure and lettings fees, and she moved in the same afternoon.
The property is just off Regent Street and has a small living area which leads into a compact open plan kitchen and dining area. There is also a bedroom with wardrobe space and a shower room.
Let through agent EJ Harris, the home’s rent is £1,560 a month. Within just 15 minutes of the advert being published on its website, the agent got over 200 email and telephone enquiries about the property, and within 30 minutes five serious offers.
Elizabeth Harris, MD of E J Harris said: “The speed of this deal and the battle to secure the tenancy is the clearest indicator yet to me how buoyant and hot London’s letting market is at present. The tenant has a highly successful career working in the hospitality industry in the West End and needed a home nearby, she was very firm about wanting to rent not buy.
“If it was a swanky flat in Mayfair’s posh Western district I would expect it to fly out of the door, but this is an “ordinary Londoner” apartment on the eastern Soho border by Regent Street. Its the ordinary nature of this that makes it so extraordinary.”
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