Home Residential Property 3 graphs that show what a monster the housing market is becoming

3 graphs that show what a monster the housing market is becoming

by Sponsored Content
20th May 15 10:54 am

It’s the overgrown creature we’re still feeding and doing nothing to control.

We know it’s there – we can feel its presence bearing down on the country. A sense of general unease, a feeling that something isn’t right.

Some of us are terrified of it, some can’t see it at all, while others pretend it doesn’t exist.

And it’s lurking under the bed at Westminster while the government sleeps, growing ever stronger, waiting for its time to wreak havoc.

The monster I’m referring to, of course, is the housing crisis.

The Office for National Statistics has released data showing UK property prices are at their highest level ever, after rising 9% in the year to March 2015.

Here are three graphs that show what a monster the housing market is becoming:

Monster housing market graph



Monster housing market graph



Monster housing market graph



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